Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Welcome Home NINJAs!!
2016: The Year of the CPA Exam Exoneration (word choice?).
Now that I have lost my credit for REG, I am back and ready to finally pass this (insert expletive) exam before the 2017 exam changes!
With a boss willing to let me study during the workday and a new home finally starting to get unpacked, I will have more time to focus.
My wife even suggested we listen to Jeff talk on our hour commute to make the drive time even more miserable!! JK
Now I may sound excited, but I am dreading this whole studying process again and tend to focus on all the “wasted time” of past studying. Again, I need to “take it easy.”
I have a couple of NTS’s that expire at the end of May, thus I want to try and knock out FAR right away. Start with the beast and pass it once and for all!
Wish I would’ve had that strategy my first go around with this exam a couple years ago…
Seriously folks, I have been trying this exam since 2012 and paid more fees than I care to calculate due to the massive panic attack that may occur when I arrive at a grand total. I guess I am in it for “the long run.”
I think back to the early days of starting this process and of the time wasted with ineffective methods of studying because I did not know my learning style. Know how you learn and retain information!!
Just because some people can just read the book and get a 99 does not mean it will work for you. I, personally, have to pound NINJA MCQs until I want to throw my computer screen out into the deep snow and sub-zero temperatures. Figure it out early and don’t waste time like me!! End Rant.
There you have it! Time to start pounding sand, err I mean NINJA MCQ’s!
PS – RIP Glenn Frey