I sat for Regulation on the 1st of April in Ohio. When will I receive my score?
I am scheduled to take BEC before August, so now I'm anxious about both BEC and REG.
Should I forget about REG for now and concentrate on BEC instead?
Any tips or suggestions?
Thanks for helping me hold onto sanity during this ridiculous experience.
Since you took Regulation on April 1, this makes you eligible for a Wave 1 CPA Exam results release.
However, if you had a brand new simulation on your exam, you will be in Wave 2 automatically per my Interview with the AICPA.
Let's assume though that you didn't have a new simulation and everything is copacetic (I always wanted to use that word in a sentence) on the REG front.
I think your score will be released by the AICPA on or around May 19.
Since Ohio is a NASBA State, your (passing) score should come out the following evening.
I would push Regulation out of your mind. Just assume that you passed and move on mentally to BEC.
Focusing 110% of your efforts into BEC would be a wise use of your time.
It is feasible that you could actually take BEC before you get your REG score if you really crank up your study regimen.
However, taking BEC at the end of May with REG score in hand – for better or worse, is the safer plan.