Saba says, How far in advance did you study for the CPA Exam? In what order did you take the CPA Exam? I'm planning on finishing them all in 2018, but I have audit and special topics, like, consolidations and corporate tax. But I feel like I need to be constantly reviewing because I'm forgetting the minutia of the topics. I'm taking the Enrolled Agent exam, okay, first of December, so I can start working before I pass the CPA exam, but that's the only part of the exam, so I feel like I should be reviewing way in advance.
Any tips will be helpful for someone who has one to two semesters left. Do not start studying for the CPA exam until you are eight weeks out from exam day. So, you don't have to have your notice of schedule but if you know that you're taking your exam in eight weeks and you've filed your notice of schedule, you can start studying, but do not pre-study, don't start studying to get the concepts down beforehand 'cause here's the deal.
It's an inefficient use of your time because you are going to have to restudy that material anyway, okay? Because there is a significant short-term memory component to the CPA exam. You're like cram it all in and barf it all out. And some of the stuff will stick, some of it won't. And the CPA exam, it tests you, and whether or not you meet the minimum requirements to serve the public interest doesn't mean that you're an accounting expert.
And so, I would graduate, take your Enrolled Agent exam. That's a tough exam, by the way. That's a really tough exam. And I mean, it's like regulation on crack, you know. If the CMA is BEC on crack, the Enrolled Agent is regulation on crack. Okay, that's enough crack references. This probably will get flagged. But yeah, so, finish school, take the Enrolled Agent exam, take a break, start studying for the CPA exam in 2018 when you're eight weeks out.
Purchase your CPA Review Course 10 weeks out, okay? And just don't pre-study because you will get burned out. People get burned out. I mean, people are like three years in into the exam, like, they hate it, trust me. Like, if they could go back in time and, well, they would say this to you. Enjoy life right now when you're not taking the CPA exam because when you're in the exam, it's not fun. And so, enjoy your life right now because the CPA exam is a grind. Man, there's no need to pre-study.