West Virginia CPA Exam Requirements
Age Requirement: 18
Citizenship Requirement: No
Residency Requirement: Yes
Social Security Number Requirement: Yes
West Virginia CPA Exam Education Requirements
Education Requirement for Licensure: 150 hours (including B.A.)
Participates in International Examination Program: Yes
Hours in accounting: 27 semester hours or equivalent quarter hours in specific accounting courses, excluding introductory accounting courses covering the principles of accounting components, including the minimum requirements of 6 hours in financial accounting or intermediate accounting, 6 hours in auditing or accounting information systems with a minimum of 3 hours in auditing, 3 hours in taxation, 3 hours in cost, managerial, governmental or not-for-profit accounting and 9 hours in accounting electives
Exam sitting requirements: B.A. (120 hours)
Experience requirements: 1 year general experience gained through the employment in private practice, government, industry, not-for-profit organization, academia or public practice.
Ethics exam: No ethics exam
West Virginia CPA Exam Application Checklist
Make your check payable to the West Virginia Board of Accountancy for the application processing fee.
Include any and all name change documents.
-Copy of official Marriage Certificate
-Copy of divorce document’s first page indicating Civil Action Number and the page of the divorce decree which indicates your name change.
-Copy of court document with Civil Action/Case Number and the page of the decree indicating your name change.
-Include the DD 214 (or other discharge document if you served in the military)
-Include an explanation to any “YES” answer to questions in the General Information section of this application.
-Include the request for modification in the administration of the CPA Examination to accommodate a disability (if needed) with written documentation from your physician.
-Include a passport style (2″ X 2″) photograph.
Have you legibly signed the back of your photo (in case it becomes separated from your application).
Have you confirmed that all transcripts or foreign academic evaluations have been received by the Board office BEFORE submitting your application?
West Virginia CPA Exam Fees
Initial Application Fee: $170
Audit: $192.03
Financial: $192.03
Regulation: $172.51
Business: $172.51
Total: $899.08
Special Fees: Re-exam fee of $40.00 per part
West Virginia Society of CPAs
Judy Proctor
Phone Number: 304-342-5461
Fax Number: 304-344-4636
Toll Free (OH & WV only): 800-352-03855
Address: 900 Lee Street East, Suite 1201, Charleston, WV 25301
Email: judyp@wvscpa.org
West Virginia Board of Accountancy
Phone Number: 304-558-3557
Fax Number: 304-558-1325
Address: 405 Capitol Street, Suite 908, Charleston, WV 25301-1744
Email: wvboa@mail.wvnet.edu