Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger.
Hello Fellow NINJAs
I am an avid reader of Another71.com blog. (btw I might have an obsession with visiting Another71.com).
I started my CPA journey in December 2014. I remember waking up and thinking about the goals I haven’t reached yet and the CPA exam was one of them. I had started studying before but got off the wagon.
I figured if I invested money in the application fee that would get the fire behind me. So there I go on CPA Central paying over $400 for the application fee and for my BEC registration.
I had already ordered books for all four sections so I was equipped to start my journey (or so I thought).
I had the schedule date of February 16th in my mind for my BEC exam. That would give me two months to study for BEC – I know what a joke!
I wished I would have been introduced to this site earlier. I know the bloggers would have suggested a shorter timeframe. I was a newbie to the CPA exam world and that was one of my biggest mistakes.
It took a while to receive my NTS because I started my application around the end of fall semester and the winter break so my transcripts took a while to get NASBA. I received my NTS on February 9th and scheduled my exam for February 16th.
In the middle of January 2015, while in the midst of studying, I received a phone call that my father had a stroke. This was a difficult situation since he lived 600 miles away.
My siblings and I all live in the same state. In the middle of my study routine I had to leave to go to the state he lives and fill out all the necessary paperwork for him.
Despite this bump in the road, I still decided to keep my exam date of February 16th. I took the BEC exam and I honestly didn’t know how I did. It was great just getting the experience of taking the exam.
While I waited the three weeks for my scores, I read Another71.com instead of starting to study for the next section. (I know a waste of time).
I received my score a 68, I was disappointed, but I knew most people retake sections of the exam. With the advice from my family and fellow NINJAs, I decided to stick with BEC even though I was ready to move to AUD.
I purchased NINJA MCQs for BEC (the best purchase I made in 2015). I changed my study routine by going straight to Starbucks after work to study (quit going to the gym and studying at home) and restudied for the next 3 weeks.
I took BEC feeling way more confident. I had four weeks to wait for my score. While waiting I started studying for AUD and I was getting a little nervous about fitting AUD in the same quarter because of my work schedule (budget time and my boss resigned). I decided to switch direction and study the beast next.
I scheduled the test in the beginning of the Q3 testing quarter. That gave me two months to conquer the beast we know as FAR. In the middle of changing direction from AUD to FAR, I found out I passed BEC with an 84. (My first CPA exam pass! Woo-hoo! I found out on Cinco de Mayo which was great)
I used the same method for FAR as BEC I read other materials while completing MCQs and Sims in the book. Then I purchased the NINJA MCQ for my final review and it really helped put everything together.
I was ready (or not) to take my second section of the CPA exam: FAR. I took the exam and felt how everyone felt about the Sims: OMG! I decided to enjoy the rest of summer and wait for the FAR score to decide my next step.
Score release day came and I couldn’t sleep I usually don’t check my score until the morning but this time I couldn’t wait. A 77, I passed by the skin of my teeth but I worked so hard for it so I was happy.
I moved on to AUD and plan on sitting for AUD in the beginning of next testing quarter. I also have REG schedule for the end of next testing quarter so I will be busy. Wish me luck.
BTW, my company announced a global transformation starting January 1, 2016, which means there will be layoffs and I’m not sure where my future lies here.
So this was the perfect time to complete my CPA exam. It’s funny how timing works out.
Your drive is incredibly encouraging! It reminds me to continue to strive to succeed despise adverse events. Your test taking is perfect timing, I hope you pass the remainder of your exams! What happens in 2016 will be your decision!
Good luck! I'm studying for FAR now. It's sooo intensive. But I believe I can do it. My exam is Nov 17th. I've already passed AUD but I have to retake REG. Ugh! Stay focused. Its a long journey ahead!!