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Nadia – For MCQ practice sessions, how many MCQs and modules should I select at a time to make the best of it?
Heath – Do you think three months too much time to study for FAR?
Linna – I am preparing for my Audit retake, including the new clarity project. I purchased your audit NINJA Notes and wondered if I also need to understand Audit Reports for pre-clarity project? Please help!
Sharon – For the CPA exam, do we receive partial credit on the simulations or is it all or nothing?
Jenna – I am starting to study for BEC and I am concerned about the written communication section. My self-study course states that the accuracy of your content knowledge is not assessed. Is this true? If I am asked to make a list of pros/cons and I have no clue what the answer is, I can just make up pros/cons and still get full points as if I knew the actual pros/cons?
Luda -If I have the NINJA Notes, do I still have to read the actual material in the book or can I get away with just reading the NINJA Notes and re-writing them?
John – For the research component in the AUD exam, will they be all marked AU-C, which is the new clarified standards? Or are there any old notations AU in it? Also, I have done every Wiley MCQ for AUD and feel like I have them memorized. What should I do?
Julieta – I started studying for FAR in June December and scheduled my exam for August February. I have a video course and the Ten Point Combo. I struggle with watching all the videos and taking notes on them. I had to reschedule my test because it is taking me a long time to watch the videos and take notes. Do you have any suggestions?
Mandy – Do you think I can get away with 2011 material for Audit? I have passed it before with an 84 in 2010 but lost it. This my last exam to pass.
David – Do most first time FAR takers feel like they probably failed leaving the testing center? I can usually gauge a pass or fail on the other sections, but I have no idea after leaving FAR.
Dana – Could you help me develop a plan to tackle REG with 4 weeks leading up to my test? I have a video course and the NINJA Ten Point Combo.
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