Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. My husband started a new job, I was on “vacation” for a week with my mom in town, and then the kids started back up at day care.
My studying time was down for a little bit because trying to get the kids on a new schedule was hectic.
I managed to get some MCQs done on my lunch breaks and so far I’m trending at 60-65%.
I’m relatively happy with that since my studying process had been put on hold. I’m hitting the books again now that the kids are a little more adjusted to the new schedule and earlier bedtimes (mommy is VERY happy about that one).
My goal this week is to re-write the [A71 product=”notes”]NINJA notes all the way through at least once and do at least 50 to 100 MCQs each day, with note taking on the questions I get incorrect.
I find taking notes on the questions I get wrong helps me learn better and retain more. My goal is to re-take REG no later than mid-October and then take BEC before the end of the 4th testing quarter.
I’ve got major goals before the end of this year and I’m hoping things work in my favor! Time to get my focus back!