Video: Recommended CPA Exam Study Hours

21 Jul 2017

CPA Exam Study Tips




Gunyung writes in. Hope I pronounced that correctly. Hey Jeff I was very impressed with NINJA CPA Review material. He actually said that. As an introduction, I'm a foreigner who came to the states about five years ago for college.

And now I'm working for one of the Big Four accounting firms. I bought my super-expensive CPA Review materials, sponsored by my firm, when I was in college but I didn't happen to study. Only for BEC but received this 74 before the new CPA exam came out. then since I'm in tax, I wanted to start studying for regulation and while I was studying I found out there was an expiration date for using my super-expensive software.

Now I'm trying to find another way to pass it and my bet will probably be on you. I apologize for a long introduction. So I just wanted to ask if the NINJA course is friendly for a foreigner as well?

I like the way you make your audio but would I understand it after reading the whole chapter? Also I work and study. I just want to ask your opinion: how long would it take to study with your NINJA material until I take the exam or pass my exam which is regulation?

Are NINJA CPA Review materials useful for a foreigner with English as a Second Language (ESL)?

That depends. So the NINJA book, definitely.

NINJA notes, definitely.

NINJA MCQ, NINJA plus videos, definitely.

NINJA flashcard app, definitely.

NINJA Audio. If you have a hard time understanding my Kansas twang because sometimes I speak really fast and if you have a hard time understanding me, then you should not get the audio. If you can tolerate the sound of my voice and I know that I do a lot of lip smacking in my podcast. I do less lip smacking I think in my audio because it's edited. With the podcast I just grip it and rip it. So if you can understand me in the podcast and if you like the sample audio chapters then go for it.

And with the NINJA Audio and this goes for anyone, for auditing, chapter one, even if you haven't watched your videos over auditing, chapter one or read the book over auditing, chapter one, listening to the audio chapter one will help you to better understand your videos or your a book and so it will help you to… Since you've already kind of listened to the material once, it will help you to grasp it as you actually study it.

And the goal with the audio is to listen to it as many times as possible. So at least five times before your exam. So I hope that's helpful. So let's see. So yes it is friendly for a foreigner. All of the materials except for the audio. Unless you can stand the sound of my voice and understand what I'm saying, then you should go for the audio. And how long should you study for your material until you take the exam? I say six to eight weeks.

So six weeks for AUD and BEC, give or take seven to eight weeks for Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR) and Regulation (REG). So at about twenty hours a week. So for auditing and BEC, you're looking for your target is a 100 to 120 hours. And so that's five to six weeks. And for regulation and financial accounting and reporting, you're looking for 20 hours a week at six to seven weeks maybe. Cause I always say about 130 for financial accounting and reporting. So that's like six to seven weeks. Never ever ever more than eight weeks under any circumstances. I don't care what anyone else says. They are wrong. I hope that's helpful. 


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