Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger.
The REG Exam is going to be a test that I have nightmares about for the rest of my life. I have accepted that fact and made peace with its power over me.
That being said, I am happy to take on those future nightmares if my battle with this test comes to an end soon. I just have to keep plugging away at my materials to make sure that is the case.
I thought that having one more test would help keep me motivated beyond normal test prep.
Turns out, I still have nights where my mind is anywhere besides the textbook in front of me and there are times where I have to read a page or watch a video several times because I was completely tuned out.
The struggle to stay focused is very real. It takes a lot of effort (and one fiancée who is possibly more sick of this test than I am) to keep my focus, but the hunger to finish is definitely there.
At this stage, I am wrapping up my initial run through the video lectures and will have 2 and a half weeks of MCQ’s before beginning my rewritten notes.
Working from home has afforded me some advantages during my down time in that I can take the time normally reserved for my commute to do more videos, flashcards, or knock out a NINJA MCQ set. It’s all about maximizing what time remains at this point.
Three weeks; I could potentially be in the last 3 weeks of studying for this (expletives) test FOREVER. Even typing that, it’s hard to believe after 2 years of going through courses, test prep, retakes and passing 3 of 4 exams.
It will probably take a solid week or two to grasp the fact than I am done if I sneak a pass out of this exam (knock on everything wood and even things that just look like wood).
I know that I can get through this if I put in the time, so I need to crack that second Monster, slap my cheek a few times and get back at it. It’s now or never to finish this exam and I want my nights and weekends back. Let’s do this!