Brain Delay

23 Oct 2008

My FAR Experience

I may have been a bit too cavalier about cramming for FAR. It's one thing to go through all of your material…it's another to actually review it. So, I hit the eject button and decide to reschedule to November 4. Easy enough, right? Maybe not.

In my new e-mail confirmation from Prometric it reads


After you have made an appointment for an examination section you may find it necessary to change or cancel an appointment. Be aware that you may be required to pay a reschedule fee or forfeit your examination fees, depending on when you notify Prometric of the change or cancellation. Changes made 5 to 30 days prior to your appointment will be assessed a $35 fee. Changes made less than 5 days prior will be assessed $95.40. Note: Any changes made 24 hours or less prior to your appointment will forfeit your fees and you will need to reapply to your board of accountancy or its designated agency. Please see your Candidate Bulletin for more information.

Did I just royally screw up? Of course – I can't call anyone at Prometric until tomorrow. Maybe my state board will have mercy on me.

update: I spoke with Prometric and until I hear otherwise from them, I'm set for 11/4 and won't have to pay the extra $280. I won't be surprised if I get a call from them though.

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Anonymous 16 years ago

That seems like a huge pain. You might get lucky and surprise yourself. If your credit for your other parts doesn't expire, go for it!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I also want to postpone my exam, but only becasue I am freaking out over it. Mine is scheduled for next Friday. I am going to go for it and pray I pass. With the holidays coming up I won't find any more time to study next month anyway. Good luck!

Anonymous 16 years ago

I took FAR in North Carolina this past Friday (Oct 24). Does anyone know more or less how long will it take for the result to come back?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I have FAR in 3 weeks and really need to pass. I am reaching that saturation point where it just feels like I can't go on studying anymore (this is my last exam left to pass). Just wondering if anyone is focusing a lot on the EPS calculations and simulations as well as stock options? I hate these sections but am not sure how important they are to this particular section. Your advice would be appreciated. Thanks. Good luck on Nov 4!