The North Carolina Board of Accountancy voted in October to release CPA Exam scores to candidates online via Nasba.org. Previously, North Carolina was a “Snail Mail” state and candidates had to wait for scores in the mail while their peers in other states were already celebrating their passing scores.
The NC State Board e-mailed me with the following information:
Thought you might want to share this with your followers
At its October Board meeting, our Board entered into an agreement with NASBA that allows NC Exam candidates to retrieve their scores online using the NASBA Gateway. Candidates may use the link https://www.nasba.org/exams/cpaexam/northcarolina/ to retrieve their scores within 24-48 hours after the AICPA send the scores to NASBA. Candidates will continue to receive a score notice by mail from the Board, but with the online score retrieval they will have the good (or bad) news much more quickly. We are encouraging candidates to follow the Board on Twitter and to use our Facebook page to be notified when the AICPA sends the scores to NASBA. Of course, candidates can continue to follow NASBA for this information.
Idaho has changed over to Nasba online release as well this quarter FYI. :) Woohoo!
There is a God.... :-). I live in NC and I'm so happy to hear this.