Yolanda is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
I finally took the FAR exam on 10/27. I felt I was not completely ready and needed to review a few more things, but as usual, time escapes us all.
I felt a revelation when I was in the exam.
I looked at the questions of the material that I knew cold and I said to myself, My review has taught me a lot, especially to watch for the tricks And no matter how many ways they ask these questions, I KNOW the answer
So the revelation was: I no longer fear this exam.
I was confident in the material that I was strong in, and the material that I did not know/recall, I jotted down on my scratch paper as a way to remind myself to look at this material again if I do not pass.
We all know that the examiners do not allow you take your scratch paper home, however, I remember what I wrote down. If I do not pass (God forbid), I will regroup in December with what I KNOW and what my weak areas were and I shall pass FAR in January!
I have finally decided that this exam will not rule my life. I have conquered the fear of the exam and I will prevail. ?
The exam was in a town that is approximately 2 hours away from my home. So I listened to lectures on the drive there. After driving two hours and sitting 4 hours for the exam, my hind side was a tad bit sore. I then had to do the return drive home.
My husband called to remind me that our daughters play (in which she had a lead role) started at 7PM. I texted my daughter and asked her if we could please attend on Sunday at 2PM because I was literally exhausted! She said that she could not change our reservation!
So we went to see her play. She was phenomenal. It was the perfect ending to my day. The photo is a picture of me and my 16-year-old daughter as Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker.
I love my children so much and I hope they heed my perseverance with this exam. I hope it teaches them to never give up on anything you really want in life! I will be even more ecstatic when I can finally tell them that I have PASSED the exam! ?
That will be a day for true celebration! In the meantime, we shall continue to study. BEC is scheduled (and CANNOT be moved) for November 24th. Time to CRAM!