Yolanda is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello Fellow NINJAs!
Last week went by with perfect timing. I originally had my exam scheduled for October 20th at 8:00 AM; however, I found an opening for October 27th at 12:30 so I changed my exam date.
I did a happy dance (actually I pranced and paraded) around my home because I was absolutely ECSTATIC about having another week to study!
I am really feeling the pressure here.
The material is just entirely too much to remember! It seems as soon as I have learned the different types of net assets in non-profit, to the different funds in governmental that I have forgotten how to record an installment sale or how to calculate diluted earnings per share.
Needless to say, I am going to continuously review this material until I can remember enough to pass. I have found that the NINJA Audio for FAR really helps because it is a great tool to review, review, review! I can listen to it on my way to work and while I am cooking dinner.
Last week I studied hard every day (Im still using the ELL study plan). I took Friday evening off, because that is my day to enjoy life a little. I went shopping at the mall and I watched a movie with my children.
On Saturday, I went to the Breast Cancer Walk at Martin Park with a team from my job. We walked 3 miles for breast cancer. I had a blast! This picture was taken at the walk.
It felt good to be able to get out of study mode and help support a cause. Now I am hammering away at another study marathon weekend. Wish me luck! 3 days to go!