Yolanda is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
My name is Yolanda and I am a Staff Accountant for a privately held corporation. I am also the Owner of Cruz Tax Services.
I did life backwards, I had my family first and then I went to school. I graduated from Northern Illinois University in December 2010. At Northern, professors highly promote the CPA profession.
I was already on track to become a CPA, but since the IRS recently changed their regulations for tax return preparers, I have even more incentive to pass this exam.
I have learned a lot along this journey to become a CPA. One of my first lessons was to stop procrastinating. I also needed to learn to better manage my time. The NINJA study plan really helped me to better manage my time.
I also keep my NINJA Notes by my bedside for nights when I wake up in a fit from the nightmare journal entries. Just kidding, I read them to review each evening before my eyes get tired enough to sleep. Many nights I am restless after studying so much and I cannot quiet my brain!
I have taken BEC and AUD. I have not passed either exam. I received a score of 64 on BEC and 55 on AUD. I was not fully prepared for either exam but because I paid for the exam, I had to take it within 6 months.
I am now working towards FAR in 2 DAYS! After FAR I am scheduled to take BEC on November 24th (again, due to paying for the exam in June, it is about to expire). EEEEKK!!!
I have learned many tough lessons along this journey. Number 1: Do not go into the exam without practicing the MC questions. I did this for both previous exams.
Number 2: Do not PAY for your exam before you are ready to take it. Life happens and you will run out of time and set yourself up for failure.
Number 3: Review, review, review, and practice the MC questions! ?
I truly believe that this exam is passable. Even if I have to help kids with homework, cook dinner, clean house, do tons of laundry, iron uniforms, attend soccer games, pick up a teenager from drama practice, and attend her performances. Its all about budgeting your time and buckling down and studying hard!