Snail Mail State: Waiting on Audit Score

23 May 2012


By Trisha

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.

As I see test scores starting to release, I am again reminded that I live in Oregon… Shame on you snail mail state!!! UGH

This last week was a non-study week for me. My mother is still gone, so my child/work free time is minimal at best.

I was going to attempt to get some study time in this weekend, but my husband suggested I just wait until I got my “passing” Audit score this week…. I love his optimism. ?

I am hoping to pull off a major regroup for next week. I need to my head back in to FAR if I expect to be ready for a July 20th exam. Maybe a “passing” score will be the boost I need…

Unfortunately that potential boost will probably take a week or so to make it my way… Until then fellow NINJAs, best of luck!!!

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