Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Transitioning from one topic to another always poses a bit of a challenge for me. Usually, after taking an exam, I want to immediately crack open the next section.
Its almost like I dont know how to relax and just be. Or maybe I am glutton for punishment.
I have also noticed that if I dont crack that next book pretty quickly after taking an exam, I lose my momentum. Considering this, I cant even fathom what I will do with all my time when I have finally conquered this beast.
After taking Audit on Thursday, I left for a relaxing weekend away with my husband to celebrate our anniversary. It couldnt have come at a better time. I was physically and emotionally drained from the last 10 months of CPA exam testing and studies.
This was my first real break, and probably my last one until sometime in October. I let Monday be my transition day, and was back to studying on Tuesday.
Taking Jeffs advice to not cut corners, I decided to start by re-watching my lectures. I originally took FAR in late November, and have taken Audit twice since. I was a bit worried that all that knowledge was gone, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
I dont think I could easily knock out multiple-choice, but it seemed like the material was just making more sense the second time around. I also think that my accounting knowledge has grown leaps and bounds throughout this experience, hopefully translating into passing scores in round two.
It is NO fun to have to re-take an exam, but maybe if I focus on the positive side of things, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. ?