Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Audit and I will meet again April 26, 2012 at 12:30pm. It took me some time to get up the courage to schedule, but after a weekend and early week filled with study time, I finally felt I was ready.
Last week I had to take a step back and reevaluate my approach to studying. I was doing it, but not with the drive I felt necessary to get ready to re-attack Audit.
I decided that my morning workouts, as much as they benefit my sanity, would have to be put on hold, as it was time to try the ELL Plan.
I started Monday. I was at work by 6:30, but got a bit distracted by coworkers. I got in at the same time Tuesday, but opted to shut my door for focus sake. ?
Having that additional hour and a half of study time in the morning, when I was fresh, has made the world of a difference. I am now about ¾ of the way through re-writing my NINJA Notes, and have tackled over 600 MC questions.
I sporadically do 10 question quizzes throughout my workday, and during lunch have gone over ones I missed, taking notes along the way.
I didnt take notes with my Wiley MCQs before, and I can already see how much more I am retaining using this approach.
Last night I went through and did 2-3 sets of 10 question quizzes on each subject. I got a couple 100s, 90s and 80s. I got two 70s in sampling, which is the one topic I havent devoted much time to yet. When I consistently saw passing scores, I felt it was time to set the date in stone.
From now until test time, I plan on continuing to rewrite the Ninja Notes and my other notes I have taken. I also am going to spend considerable time working on sims this weekend. My 73 on my previous Audit exam was the result of performing well on MCQs and bombing sims.
I will also continue listening to the NINJA Audio at work and during workouts. ? I know I can do this, but have to remind myself daily of that fact . Cheers to making it happen for Round 2!!!