Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Humbled .
That is the best way to describe how I felt after my FAR exam on the 30th. I walked into the exam thinking I was very prepared, and walked out in tears.
The simulations were about what I expected, but the multiple choice were ridiculous ~ VERY difficult. I had one MC question in my second packet that filled the entire screen with words and numbers. I think I may have laughed a little out loud when I looked at it.
I am hoping the difficulty was a result of performing well on the multiple choice, but am not holding my breath ~ this was by FAR my hardest exam to date.
I had originally planned on waiting for my score before continuing on to REG. I have always heard that because of the conflicting info, it can be a disservice to take FAR and REG back to back.
I figured that I would just wait, and if necessary, I would retake FAR first before REG. Unfortunately, being in a snail mail state, waiting for my score makes for a 2-3 week break.
I hate to mess up my rhythm, so I reached out to the Another71 Forum for some advice. Thanks to the feedback I received, I will begin re-watching my REG videos today. No time to waste when the title of CPA is SO close!!!
Hopefully this month will bring me a pass for FAR and some productive REG study time. I am ready to take my life back from this exam. And I hope to do so before the holidays. ?