Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
I am pretty proud today. I put in some serious study time this weekend and was able to complete two chapters worth of lectures while madly taking notes.
Overall I spent close to 20 hours covering Pensions, Deferred Taxes, Derivatives, EPS, Stockholders Equity and the Statement of Cash Flows PHEW So much technical information ~ FAR has really earned her reputation of being a beast!
I always feel like I have a great grasp of the concepts while listening to the lecture and following the in text examples. But when I go to tackle the multiple-choice questions, it all feels a bit foreign
I know this is where repetition will come in handy, but it is a bit nerve wracking to spend so much time learning, only to feel like you really didnt take much with you.
This is especially the case for me with Diluted EPS. This area tripped me up last time with FAR. To avoid this during my second attempt, I am giving this area a little more care.
This week my plan is to complete my lectures on Government and Not for Profit, and then spend the rest of my time between now and my exam on the 30th doing ridiculous amounts of multiple choice questions, listening to NINJA Audio, and rewriting both my notes and the NINJA Notes.
I have to admit, I am scared to miss the cut again with FAR. I studied like crazy for my initial attempt, and came so close with a 72.
I went in to my first exam wishing for an extra week, even with all of the studying, because I felt unprepared. I currently feel ok overall with where I am so far, and hope the next few weeks increase my knowledge to the point where I can walk in FEELING ready.
It is such an overwhelming amount of material, and the ultimate goal is after August 30th to never have to look at it again.
Hi Trisha, You and I are on about the same timeline for FAR, I'm taking it on the 29th. I was wondering, are you going over the MCQs on Wiley or Becker? I'm doing Wiley and I don't feel like I'm scoring as high as I would like to based on the number of hours I have put into it. I also feel like many of the questions are a LOT more complicated than the MCQs on the real test. What is your experience with Wiley's MCQs? Hang in there, good luck. BUS 78 4/11 REG 71, 77 6/11 AUD 65, 72, 90 6/12 FAR 60, 68, Retake on 8/29
I only used Becker the first time I took the exam, and am using both this time. I would agree the questions seem more complicated that the ones I saw the first time around, but in the end it is the same type of question when you sift through the fluff. I feel like Wiley and Becker's questions are very different, and use a little bit of both. I have a tendencey to memorize the answer, so the variety helps. I like the Wiley software because you can better manipulate what questions you want to focus on. For Audit, I felt their questions were tougher, but not sure with FAR. Hope this helps... Best of luck to you! I will be so relieved when all of this is over...