Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Progress is NOT my middle name this week.
I have made a subtle attempt at re-watching my FAR videos, with minimal luck. I am about half way through my second chapter, and I was hoping to be almost done with my third.
Life has been crazy (as always). We just had a large party for my daughters 3rd birthday, and I have a bachelorette party I have been planning this upcoming weekend. Needless to say I wont be getting much done in the CPA exam study department this weekend
I am hoping to be able to wrap up Chapter 2 this week, and get through at least Chapter 3 next week. If I can stick to this schedule, I am still very much on track.
Motivation is not my strong suit this month. I work better under pressure, and I guess this isnt enough pressure to get me going. But I know how fast time flies, so I need to not waste what time I do have.
Hopefully I dont kill too many brain cells this weekend, and can get back on the CPA study train next week!