Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
I'm back!!
I took a couple of weeks off from studying so that I could put a new strategy into place. You may remember from previous posts that I was really struggling with a long commute and having the time/energy to put into studying.
My husband had a great idea and over the last 2 weeks we have been executing the plan.
We bought a travel trailer and parked it in a KOA RV park that cuts my commute time in half. Now I am living in the travel trailer 4-5 days a week and have been having solo time to study, workout, and rest. We have dubbed the trailer the “Anti-Commute/Study Bungalow.”
After being married for ten years, it is definitely weird being home without my husband under the same roof. But I must admit that if one word were used to describe any CPA candidates experiences preparing for the exams, the word is SACRIFICE.
So here I am sacrificing quality time with my husband and dogs; sacrificing the comfort of my own bed; sacrificing so that I can have time to get through the last two sections of the CPA exam.
In addition to the new living situation, I have accepted an offer at a public accounting firm as an associate. My scheduled start date is the 24th of June. The firm specializes in auditing of governmental agencies, so I will be jumping right into busy season.
This means that I really need to put my nose back in the book and get through these sections before AUD expires around Thanksgiving.
Well NINJAs I better make the most of my solo evening in my travel trailer and nail down some individual taxation topics.
Catch y'all next week.