Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello NINJAs,
It is time for me to reflect on my exam prep for REG via this blog. It has been about 2 weeks since my last post. My progress has been slow and steady.
I just wrapped up the commercial paper and secured transactions modules in my Wiley book. I have come to the conclusion that I will not be ready to sit for regulation this window.
My last attempt at this section, I felt really ready however I just did not provide the performance necessary to get over the regulation hurdle.
The main challenge I am facing in my exam prep is focus. I am having trouble focusing on the material. This might be because my work schedule right now is a particularly long day, or it may be because I am mentally exhausted at the end of the day and unable to keep my attention on the task.
This challenge is really causing me to slow down my whole exam prep process. Another challenge I am facing is finding the motivation to keep pushing forward. I have been working on this milestone for over a year now. I knew going into the CPA exam process that the fight would be long and hard, and would (as statistically proven) contain failure.
Now after the last year, I am halfway done with the CPA exam with REG and FAR left to go. Oddly enough, these are both sections that I didn't pass on the first attempt.
I am extremely grateful to have passed AUD and BEC. Together those sections are formidable and provided the needed confidence that I could make it over the hurdle. AUD expires around Thanksgiving, which gives me about 9 months to get through the rest of the exam.
I think will use the threat of an expiring section as motivation to get through my materials and become exam ready.
At this point, I am aiming to take regulation at the beginning of April, when the window opens again. This should provide plenty of time to not only get through the remaining materials, but to be proficient in the topics as well. This week, my goal is to get my bankruptcy law up to at least 80% proficiency, then begin working on debtor-creditor relations.
Well, I am off to go shopping for food for my lunches this week. I hope everyone is having a great week and is staying productive while studying.