Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
What can I say? I have been in a holding pattern for a few days now.
I was just waking up, cruising my Facebook timeline when I saw a post from NASBA that over 1,000 new BEC scores had been released today.
I am a California candidate so I was for sure that my score couldn't possibly be available at the state board website.
Alas, I checked anyway. Low and behold– a passing BEC score… I yelled out, “OH MY GOD.” To which my husband responded, “What's the matter?” My answer, “I PASSED!”
That's right, I have passed BEC. I immediately texted my study buddy a screen shot of my score report to share the good news. I can now say that I am 50% done with the CPA exam.
I was really nervous about my exam because I didn't get through the financial planning and analysis module in my Wiley book and I know that section is heavily tested. Let's be clear… my lack of complete understanding in that last module was reflected in my score report.
On the other hand, the time I spent mastering all the other topics also was reflected in my score report with ‘stronger' in all MCQ categories except strategic planning and operations management.
So now that BEC is officially over for me, I am moving back to REG. I really need to get this section under my belt before there are changes to the tax laws.
I have purchased a brand new Wiley book for this section and will be using the good ole' NINJA Notes, NINJA Audio and Wiley Test Bank. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me in the next 2 months or so. But I am up for it. Plus nothing provides more motivation than a passing score on a section.
With that, I am going to get organized for regulation then get started. Congrats to all the candidates who passed this window.
To all who weren't able to cross the 75 threshold, keep trying and keep your head up. Find ways to stay motivated and keep working hard. I have found that results for this test are directly related to amount of effort exerted into studying.
Have a great weekend NINJAs, HiYa!