Tori is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hey there NINJAs,
I know it has been a few weeks since my last post. I assure you I haven't skipped these weekly posts out of laziness.
I have missed because I have been literally on a 2 week count down to BEC. So here I am the at 11:45 the night before my exam.
I have spent the last several days drilling through sets of MCQs. I think I have done over 600 questions in the last 3 days. I am at a point where I have done everything I can do.
Now it is up to me to prove to the CPA gods at the AICPA that I am worthy of being included in the Q4 pass rates.
Now it is time for me to unwind and allow my mind to relax. After I finish this blog post I plan on turning on the television for background noise as I allow all the BEC topics to simmer in my mind.
I did not have time to master the financial planning and analysis module however, I am hoping that simply being able to manage the SAM, SAL, OAT tools from the NINJA Notes will get me through those questions on my exam.
I really hope that BEC is another section that I can say I passed on the first try. I really want nothing more right now than to be able to tell myself that I am 50% done with this beast.
So, with that positive thought, I am going to sign off. I wish every one luck on their upcoming exams, and to all others, keep studying.
Remember that all the cliches in life are true. If you want to succeed in life you can and you will, it just takes some work on your part.