Attacking REG the NINJA Way

03 Jul 2012


By Tori

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.

Happy Independence Day Week NINJAs!!

Hopefully you are all being good little NINJAs and preparing not to have any fun as we go into the holiday weekend.

I am nearing the final stretch before my target date for my exam. I just received my NTS for the next 2 sections.

I have not actually scheduled my rematch with REG yet, but since it is the first month in the window, I know I will not have a problem getting a seat at Prometric whenever I feel I am ready. I am shooting for around the fifteenth of the month, though.

I have been in the non stop multiple choice stage of my review for about a week now. I try to limit sessions on a single topic to 30 questions each. Then of course after I get my results, I review the reasons why I got any questions wrong. Write down the answer explanation, and move on. I will use these notes as part of my final review and note rewriting.

My plan is to do a comprehensive review of all topics covered to date, every other day until my exam date, so I can continuously reinforce the tax topics as I review the business law topics.

I cannot thank Jeff enough for the NINJA strategy. I really feel that this method of studying has greatly increased my comprehension and recall of the key topics which are being tested. I only wished I had discovered the NINJA way sooner. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't be in a situation where I am facing a rematch on the 2 largest sections of the exam. I know I can beat this test though.

Well, my break is over now. I am going back to contracts, sales, and employer/employee law. I hope all of my fellow NINJA's are having a productive week studying.

Best regards,


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Kenny 13 years ago

Hi Tori I read your post. Can you tell me what is the ninja strategy because i am struggling with the exam. thank you kenny

Tori 13 years ago

Well Kenny, NINJA is a culmination of an intense study strategy. N is for nail the videos I- Intense notes, you can take them yourself or buy the NINJA notes from Jeff N- NON stop multiple choice: This is a great strategy to keep you engaged in the review process, and you can take notes from any missed multiple choice questions. When you write things down, you are more likely to remember them in the future. J-Just re write it! Re write your NINJA NOTES, lecture notes and missed multiple choice questions at least twice before your exam. Then, it will... A- All come together on exam day.