Tim is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Wow. I hate that it's been so long since I last posted.
I'd like to say that it's because I've been studying so diligently for the REG exam I took Thursday night. Though that's true, it's definitely not as true as it should be.
Over the last couple of months, and particularly in the last three weeks, I've been very diligent about listening to the NINJA Audio, doing Wiley MCQs, and studying my Becker material. This was my second battle with REG.
I'm sorry to say, I'm afraid this time might have the same result as the last. That is to say, not-so-great.
I really feel like I prepared well, and felt that I had studied all of the topics that were likely to be covered. As we all know, you never really know what you'll get with these exams.
The last time I took REG, I felt like I could have studied for another month and not covered the things on the SIMS. This time…same thing.
I've never been one to be able to tell whether the testlets are getting easier, harder, etc. I think my second and third testlets got a bit more difficult, but it's tough to say.
The Sims…WOW. One of the Sims caught me completely off guard. To be honest, I didn't even know where to begin. To say I guessed is an understatement.
I had difficulty finding the research question, but think that I got it right. The other Sims were a toss up. One of them I'm sure I got mostly right, and the same for the fourth. Hopefully I did well enough to pass, but I'm definitely not confident.
I've passed AUD, but I'll lose it at the end of October…unless I miraculously passed REG and can pass FAR and BEC by the end of October? Anyone care to bet on the likelihood of that happening? Yea, me either. So, I'll hope for the best on REG start studying for BEC.
Sometimes, this test is like the game of golf. You hit bad shots the entire round. You swear you'll quit after that round. Then, out of nowhere, you hit a beauty of a shot…the only good shot of your round. But that one shot is enough to bring you back out next time.
Sometimes, you just need to know that you're not on the wrong path. I'll be needing some of that encouragement if I get a failing score on September 11.
Good luck to all of you as you await your scores!