Shaila is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi NINJAs, happy new year to all of you! As some of you may remember, I took AUD, BEC and REG within the first six months of 2013 and started studying for FAR right after in July, and then… I fell off the bandwagon.
I moved to a new location to start a new job last September, and this gave me such great opportunities to make excuses such as settling in with my new place and job.
I planned to take FAR in November, but then I found that I would spend six weeks traveling for work right after training, and a November test date just didn’t seem plausible. So I told myself February, and began studying on and off again in November and December. This time I just couldn’t get into it.
With a new year of course, comes a sense of hope and new beginnings. I love making resolutions, because well, I’m sentimental like that. Passing FAR before I lose my AUD credit is number one on my list.
I’ve now got my sights set on an April test date and am studying afresh from the beginning. That gives me one more window as a buffer before I lose my AUD credit this August.
I know this plan can work. I’ve just got to find the determination I had to study for the last three tests. I hope sharing my plan with all of you will give me the motivation I need.
This last exam has been a huge black cloud over my head and I just want to see it replaced with a rainbow already! Congratulations to everyone who passed exams in 2013, and here’s to those who will kill these exams with me this year. ☺