Sarah is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello NINJAs,
Im still plugging away answering Wiley MCQs as my AUD testing date approaches. My goal was to answer 300 MCQs a day but that hasnt happened; Ive been hovering in the 220 range every day this week.
I took some much need hours off yesterday and when I got home last night, I felt rejuvenated.
All Ive done for the past 2 weeks is get up early to go to work and practice MCQs, squeeze some in MCQs during the work day, working out after work and then spending a few hours doing MCQs at night.
Its been mentally exhausting and I had a chance to break away for about 6 hours yesterday and I did it.
I didnt really do anything exciting but when I decided to go, I decided I wouldnt worry about the exam for those 6 hours. I got home about 8:30pm yesterday evening and spent an hour or so going through the Evidence section of practice questions using Wiley.
During my pop quizzes and practice exam, it has constantly been a problem area for me. I thought I was ok on it and that it was just one or two questions here and there hanging me up, but I wasnt so Ive spent parts of the last two days answer practice questions on that subject.
I created a spreadsheet where Im tracking all my pop quizzes I take so I can easily identify weak areas and focus my efforts on those. It seems to have really helped and its a little bit of accountability for me because I update it with the number of questions I answer each day.
My goal is to have been through 3,000, yes 3,000, MCQs before my test date on April 3. Im not sure what that effect will have on my score but I know it wont hurt it and Im hoping its the key to a passing score.
Until next week, NINJAs, keep calm and study on.