Score Release Motivation + FAR Exam Coming Soon

07 Aug 2014


blog imageRollie is a NINJA CPA Blogger.


Again it has been a long time, hence I am beginning to think that I will never learn. The first score release of the 3rd quarter happened this last Friday and it was so motivating to see all the people passing on the forum! Plus it gave me something to do at work.

I had to move my test back to the 23rd of August as I got preoccupied with half year-end materials at my 2nd job. My 2nd job consists of consulting for a manufacturing company for about 10 hours a month, except during critical times.

The half year-end items only took a week of my time and therefore I lost a week of studying.

Life gets in the way, whether it is work, a wedding in a couple weekends or the “I am too tired” attitude. The key is trying to plan around these events. I have a wedding on August 16th, which will destroy my Friday and Saturday, but I know it is coming.

I am now back to pounding the NINJA MCQ and rewriting notes. I am scoring around a 50ish percent still, which is motivating to see that I did not lose any of the knowledge over my week break. I am hoping by Saturday, I can get that bumped up to 70 percent. Last time, rewriting the NINJA Notes really solidified the information for me.

In the next few weeks, I continue to flip back and forth between rewriting notes and pounding MCQ along with some SIMS. For me if I don’t switch it up, then I get bored and call it quits for the night. And to be quite honest, who wouldn’t get bored studying for FAR?

With this plan in mind, I should leave a good week for review including any weak areas, etc. I will let you know next week (don’t hold me to it) on my progress.

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Maryam 11 years ago

I study 5 hours a day and I do not understand anything with FAR. Any advise?