Momentum to Keep Going: I Passed REG!

09 Jun 2014

I Passed REG, NINJA CPA Review

blog imageRollie is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

Greetings NINJAs!

Sorry for the delay in posting. I took REG back on the 17th of May and I did much better compared to the last 3 times I failed. I finally passed an exam! 1 and 3! Hopefully 4 and 3 by the end of this journey!

I did cut it close to comfort, a 77, but at least I finally passed an exam and got some momentum under my (NINJA?) belt. The difference is that I used the NINJA method this time and I knocked out over 2000 NINJA MCQ.

I got to the simulations with 1 hour 40 minutes to go, thus I spent a lot of time researching every question to make sure I had my facts straight. I knew by the end of the test that my mind was spent. The last simulation I was trying to count on my fingers and I was skipping numbers … immediately after the 8 AM exam, I had a nice cold brew.

I took the following week off to catch up on housework and other neglected items in my life. The wife and I went to Canada to stay in a Bed and Breakfast for the holiday weekend as well. It was nice to get away from the technology and the technical material of the CPA Exam.

I learned a little fun fact in Canada; they are not Certified Public Accountant, they are Charted Public Accountants. If you are a nerd like me, you will spend time researching the difference in exam processes … or just to procrastinate on FAR studying.

What is up next?

I started to study for FAR. I figured I should knock out the beast next. July 26th is my next match (technically a rematch) with FAR. Right now, I am focusing on videos but not getting into too much depth until the MCQ.

I learn best by making a mistake and trying to figure out what I did wrong. Hence, MC questions do wonders for me learning the material (I am guessing this concept translates into marriage as well).

What can I suggest for those studying REG for Quarter 3? First, (I am not paid to say this) buy the NINJA MCQ. I started with another test bank, but NINJA was so affordable and questions/explanations were much better.

Second, do questions until you your finger starts bleeding from clicking the mouse too much (I know this is not possible, but it is the best metaphor I have right now).

Finally, rewrite some version of notes, whether it is your own or NINJA notes. This helps solidify the concepts into memory and brings everything together before your final review.

Until next time, good luck studying!

Read more NINJA REG Success Stories on the Blog and Forum.

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Brahim 11 years ago

Thanks brother ! It was helpfull

Rollie 11 years ago

^glad I can help :)

Daniel 11 years ago

Excellent job! You showed your resilience and ability to rebound. This gives motivation to others in similar circumstances. Good luck in the future.