Rebecca is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
So it begins I have started watching the lectures for BEC this past week and so far so good.
I have taken BEC quite a few times so I am trying to determine what has worked for me, what hasnt worked and what I need to try to do differently.
My only conclusion is I have to stop doing what other people are doing because it sounds better than my own approach. I do this every exam and I swear it bites me in the butt.
I work for a decent size firm so a bunch of my coworkers are studying for the exam as well. It is a good thing and a bad thing all rolled into one.
The good thing is there are other people suffering with you and the bad thing is you start to compare yourself to them. I catch myself doing this all time and I need to stop.
Just because method A of studying worked for this person doesnt necessarily mean it is going to work for me. I always get to that point of panic with each exam and change my studying habits, but not this time. I am sticking with my own plan!
I have been listening to a lecture then writing notes for it before moving on to the next, and it seems to be working well. I cant wait for Jeffs BEC NINJA Audio to be released since I have a long commute each day to and from work. I could use that hour and a half more wisely with those!
I am also using the Pomodoro approach, which a lot of people rave about in the forums. If you havent read about it, basically you study for 20 minutes and then take a five minute break. I find this helps, as my attention span isnt very long when studying.
I just tell myself if you can make it through these 20 minutes then you can take a short break and it makes it that much more doable. I say give it a try if you havent yet!
Until next time,