Patrick is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
I just finished my self-study of the economic section of BEC. It has been a rough slog. And to think I was actually looking forward to BEC. I should have known better.
This topic has a lot to do with cause and effect and affords the exam writers every opportunity to be evil and sadistic. I bet they had a good laugh (at our expense) when they wrote the questions.
I did every question at the end of the chapter and averaged about 75%. I think my banking background helped as many of the questions related to monetary economics. I continue to make my own personal notes in the margins of the NINJA Notes. I think that re-writing these notes will be very beneficial.
I mentioned previously that I didn't buy any video lectures for this section. It's doable with BEC but it takes much more self-discipline. The videos are nice because they help you to stay on pace. You mindlessly press the button and the instructors take over from there.
All you really have to do is press the button and follow their instructions. Sane people cover an hour's worth of video in an evening and maybe an hour for the MCQs they assign. I like reading through the material, but I kind of miss being pushed along.
I have not set a date for this next exam… hopefully January. I thought that studying on a boat would be less distracted but it's been more of a challenge. I miss being able to spread-out.
My main distraction these days is two-foot-itis. I spend a lot of time on craigslist, drueling over larger boats.
I never mentioned how we ended up here. Between banking and the Army, we've had to move several times and in the process bought a house and a condo. We decided to hold onto both.
Adding a third mortgage didn't seem prudent, so we're living cheap for a while, in order to pay-off our condo and buy another house. But we're actually starting to like live-aboard life and are seriously considering doing it long-term.
This is a photo of MaryClare in the starboard quarter berth, getting in some reading before bed.