REG Report + Now the Wait Begins

28 May 2012


By nishap

Nisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.

Hello Everyone!!!

The last time I wrote my confidence was lost in the trenches. I did work on building that confidence and taking it with me to the Prometric Center.

I had spent the last week working Wiley MCQs, simulations, and reading over notes…OUTLOUD. I know it’s not comparable to re-writing notes but didn’t think I would have time.

So, on my drive to and back from work, I try to just take a quick glance and find a key word and spat out anything and everything I know about that one word.

For example, if it was “AMT,” I would go through the rules for individual AMT and then go through the rules for corporate AMT, exemptions, credits and well, you get the idea…

My overall test experience, I would say, was all right. The first testlet was pretty normal as it could possibly be. I knew a good portion of it with hiccups here and there. The second testlet was a bit of the same. The 3rd testlet to me seemed a little easy but that also makes me question if I didn’t do too well on the 2nd testlet.

Heading into the TBS, I was already ahead with my time which I was kind of glad about. I struggled with the TBS primarily because the 2-3 topics I had struggled with were in my simulations and I’m HOPING those are thrown out.

So now begins the dreaded wait…

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CPA628 13 years ago

Nisha, Don't worry about the testlets being easy, I had a similar experience with REG (all testlets seemed easy with one or two off the wall questions)and I was bit worried. However, I passed with a high score (my 3rd time taking it though). I was very prepared and thus it seemed easy; could be a the same case for you. Good Luck & enjoy all the wedding festivities!

Home Stretch 13 years ago

Hey Nisha, I think you give really good advice in terms of the studying for the CPA exams. I read my notes out loud, and frankly I think it can be more beneficial to try to memorize a sentence and say it out loud, then write it. Well definitely takes less time. I will try to practice sims as an "overall review" first before hitting the mcq's as well. Good luck with reg!