Nisha is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
So I did the inevitable well not really…but it sure feels like it. I rescheduled my exam.
I moved it from the end of October to the end of November. Its not something I really wanted to do but I really didnt want to walk into the Prometric center to fail an exam.
Unexpected things come up/happen or you get sick and sometimes you just have to make up for the missed time and unfortunately you cant always do that. And I think Im just starting to understand that.
My study schedule I initially had made well that went out the window. So Im making a new one and hopefully I only have to make minor changes.
Im trying to stick the ELL Plan but my mornings are just not working for me.
I hate having to wake up before the sun is out thats not how its supposed to be! I need to be able to find some motivation to get back on my study schedule I once had.
Maybe that involves some energy drinks or a few 5 hour energy shots who knows but where ever it is, I need to find it soon!
Maybe if I get to a certain spot by November 9th .I can treat myself out to watch the new Bond movie in IMAX!! That sounds amaza-zing!! Hmmmm .