Natasha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hope everyone has had a great week!
Studying where do I begin?
I purchased my first home last September so this is my first spring in my new home. Needless to say, with the weather being so nice I want to be outside, doing things in the yard and taking my dog for walks.
This past week was hard to study, and I know its not going to get any better.
My motivation: I feel like I am learning this stuff more and more. When I am not failing all my practice tests I have motivation to study. I am starting to feel better than I ever have in the areas that have previously been the hardest for me. This gives me time to focus on other areas.
My goal: Complete all lectures and Wiley MCQs this week. Continue to listen to the NINJA Audio every day.
With 3 weeks left I feel like I still have time, yet I am also starting to get stressed knowing that 3 weeks is not very long. FAR is so much material it can be very overwhelming.