Mia is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi everyone!
This is just my second post so I am a newcomer here. I took my first exam last month and passed with an 82.
I honestly did not expect to pass that exam as I felt very nervous during the exam and felt like I was not focusing on doing my best.
Although I used a CPA review that worked for me (supplemented with Wiley Test Bank, NINJA Notes, Audio, Flashcards), the reason behind my nervousness was that I knew I ran out of time.
I rescheduled that exam about three times and studied 4 hours a day for about 3 weeks.
I am a freelance web designer usually working at 5 projects at a time, so when I scheduled BEC the first time I was overwhelmed to say the least. I wouldnt have the time or the energy to study at the end of the day.
So I committed to making time to study the next day. Guess what? I woke up with a painful eye infection on both eyes. It wasn't too bad – it just lasted a month and a half.
The exam was rescheduled again due to something coming up. And then another, and another.
The next thing I know my parents and Grandma were in town visiting. I got comfortable with their presence. I didn't do anything but work and just be with them.
It was nice but after about two weeks of this, I knew I had to do something. One day, I set out to *really* study. So that early morning I started studying.
Only my Grandma and I were awake when our house almost caught on fire! Had my grandma not noticed that the stove was on fire and had I not grabbed a fire extinguisher, it would have gotten worse.
I put off studying for a few hours because there was too much smoke in the house. And then I told myself that if I couldn't study with all the smoke still in the house, I'm going outside, or to a coffee shop, library, ANYWHERE! – just to prevent myself from finding an excuse again to reschedule.
I was no longer going to sabotage myself.
Having schedules for the remaining 3 exams, I am wasting no time studying for REG (February 2013).
Ill end this post with a quote from Ram Dass: Rain may pour down from the heavens, but if you only hold up a thimble, a thimbleful is all you will receive.
So lets go out (or stay in studying), be thankful we have this opportunity to better ourselves, and do our very best. : )
P.S. Thanks to all the supportive people in the Another71 forum!