Back from Regulation + Ready for a Short Break

20 Apr 2012


By marka

Mark is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.


After an intense live Final Review in Dallas and a few sleepless nights, I’m back from REG. Although I’m relieved that it’s over, I can’t stop nitpicking the questions over in my head.

“Did I do enough?…Did I remember that rule correctly?” I’ve just got to put that out of my mind and move on. Score release can’t come soon enough!

I’m taking the rest of the week off; rewarding myself with a neglected DVR and some libations. A good friend of mine is also getting married this weekend. So I’ll have a good stress free weekend reconnecting with friends.

Sunday I plan on stepping back up to the plate for FAR (key word there is “plan”). It’s been almost a year since my last go-around, so I’m basically starting fresh with the material…which is a little daunting. I’m really trying to push through and I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m hoping the NINJA framework is my key to success this time!

My May test date is fast approaching. No time to rest. Keep studying guys! Make it a good one.


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