Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Its supposed to be spring, but its still snowing here in the mountains. Check out what it was doing in my back yard yesterday and today in the picture below.
What to do on a snowy, chilly day? Study for my first attempt at FAR, of course.
I also hopped over to Another71 Forum and podcasts. Id like to give a high five to all those that contribute there. Its an amazing resource for those taking the CPA exam, and it has personally provided me with many answers. It has even answered questions I didnt know I wanted or needed to ask.
So if you participate on Another71, give yourself a pat on the back, a steak dinner, cake and ice cream, or some choice prize. I think all of this studying is making me hungry!
Podcasts have also been a surprisingly valuable resource. Why surprisingly? I initially thought I didnt want to spend the time listening to them, but when I do, I always end up taking away some valuable information.
The new hotline podcast format where people can call in with their questions is pretty cool. The latest hotline podcast had me going, Yah, Jeff, what is your answer to that!? Getting to hear a voice with the question makes it a little more interesting.
Being fairly new to the CPA exam process, I can really appreciate the there are no stupid questions here sense of community.
With no work experience and having completed the majority of my degree by distance learning, I dont have the luxury of a college support group, local friends that are sitting or already passed, or colleagues.
The support at Another71 is a big deal. So, thank you, contributors!