First Exam Passed! FAR behind me, AUD up next

30 May 2013

I Passed FAR, NINJA CPA Review

Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

Waiting over three weeks for my FAR score has been horrible. I passed, barely, with a 76. I couldn’t be more thrilled!

It means that, I, an average country girl that went to an average local four-year college, and took my sweet time getting a degree, can pass these exams too!

I have learned two important things as a first-timer: 1) waiting for scores is excruciating, and 2) I spent too much time on FAR.

Four months was too much for someone without a job. I’ll be following the NINJA method more closely from now on. I probably could have saved at least one month off that time and still scored a 76, but you live and you learn.

Right before I sat for FAR, I had an interview for an awesome accounting job, and I found out I did not get it. Accounting jobs don’t come up that often here in rural USA, so I was pretty bummed about that.

The good news is that a second job at the same place opened up this week. I applied for it, and I’m really hoping I get called for an interview. Job or no job, I’m moving forward with AUD.

In the meantime, spring has arrived here in the mountains. Flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and the grass needs mowing. I was able to go for a morning run yesterday without freezing, and I potted some flowers to help our sad back porch look a little brighter.

I’d like to get at least one house project finished over the summer. The past year or two has been full of finding things to fix, but not fixing the things I find. Maybe I need to implement some sort of controls. Never mind, that’s AUD.

Until next time, keep moving one foot in front of the other!

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