Leah is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
I am about two weeks out from my first exam, FAR. Ive been studying for three and one half months, and Im finding that I have become easily distracted.
Maybe Ive spent too much time preparing? Yet, I still feel like I am not ready, but then that is probably a very common feeling.
As I re-work Wiley MCQs, I get frustrated when I miss several and still have to look up why something is right or wrong. Part of the problem is that Im not reading the question carefully enough.
Ill have a short break after I sit, so I keep trying to remind myself to just stay calm, work MCQs, and focus.
One major distraction the last two weeks has been that the Hubby and I recently decided to upgrade our cranky, old desktop. We replaced our old, mega-annoying buzz of a backups unit that went bad long ago too.
The new upgrades have been a blessing so far, but also a mega distraction. Ive spent way too much time playing around on it.
Ive been working on a few ideas and on a special committee for our town lately. Im a council member until June, and then Ill find out if Im elected to the office of town recorder.
Theres no pay for the offices so its basically like volunteering. Its not about getting anyway; its all about giving. Being able to give back is a great feeling.
Id love to be able to put more time into the town projects, the new computer, and a million other things, but I need to stay focused with two weeks to go to exam day. The time will fly by.
Im excited, nervous, feeling the pressure, and I just want to get through the process of sitting for the first exam so I have a better idea of what its all about. It is super-focused go time!