Kenley is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
Holy Smokes!! I felt as though I was never going to get through all the FAR material!
Well I finally did a few days ago and after doing so I felt this sense of … accomplishment (strange enough knowing what's still ahead of me). I felt like I had reached the top of a mountain with still two more to climb (those being Non-stop MCQs + Review and The Exam).
While glancing through my window, my eyes captured the gorgeous view of Nevis Peak, a mountain that sits here on the middle of the island. My mind quickly flashed back to one of the most amazing hikes I have ever been on.
It is that of The Boiling Lake – Dominica. You should Google it when you get a chance. This hike has a strong reputation for being tough.
Yes, it is long, especially when wet and muddy. You climb up and down over four huge rugged mountains, through the valley of desolation with stinking fumaroles, a grueling journey taking 7 hours, then finally encountering a lake of boiling volcanic water – truly a unique place.
After reaching the top of the first mountain on my way to the boiling lake, I could see the other three mountains ahead of me and the valleys below, yet I had felt this same sense of … accomplishment.
Just like my hike, I see the mountains ahead of me but I continue on, knowing that something unique is at the end of my FAR journey. It won't be easy, but it will be totally worth it.
Over the last 3-4 weeks I've been able to get into a steady groove of study using Jeff's ELL study plan. I would jump out of bed study at mornings, knock out lectures and take “copious” notes for 1.5 to 2 hrs, then grab my books/notepads and laptop and head off to work.
My job is really hectic at the moment therefore I am not as fortunate as those who are able to steal a few minutes here and there to review notes, flashcard or even do MCQs. This being the case, it is imperative that I use my lunch hour to study.
I must admit that my lunch hour sometimes turns into 1.5 hrs. My boss does not have an issue with it. She actually wants me to study! I work in a small office with three other females who all know I am taking the exam. They are supportive and assist me in any way that they can.
After work, I would stay for roughly 2 hours. This study plan ensures that I get at least 5 hrs each day, could be more.
I took advantage of the extended window and rescheduled my exam to Dec 6th. Now I am going to get my score back on Dec 20th. Hopefully it's a great Christmas gift. If I get nothing else beside a passing score I'll more than content!
If you are willing to work for it, you will achieve it!