Falling off the CPA Exam Horse & Getting Back on

07 Mar 2014


Joe is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

As I began my CPA journey, I was inspired and ready to take on FAR. The original plan was to take the exam around April 1st. I began studying in the beginning of January.

Many people told me that this was too much time to take to study for the exam, and in retrospect, I would tend to agree. I burned out too quickly, started putting off studying and fell back into my old ways. I never applied for an NTS, which was another reason I began studying casually, and not seriously.

I gave myself an open deadline. I found that this is not the way to prepare for the exam.

There was however some method behind my madness. Sometimes life does get in the way. As important as it is to get your CPA, always make sure that you are doing your absolute best job at work, and not neglecting your responsibilities.

I have a high level accounting position in my organization reporting directly to the CEO and CFO. In the past few months, our organization merged with a sister branch and all departments consolidated. I took on much more responsibility and my hours steadily have increased.

I was completely and very exhausted for the past month as my workload has doubled and management pressure has increased. I am actually very glad that I did not schedule my exam.

It was however not a total loss. I did in these past few months watch all of my accounting lectures and took notes. I read and re-wrote my NINJA Notes. I have been doing some Wiley MCQs. (Has anyone tried the new Wiley 2014 Test Bank for the IPAD? AMAZING!)

I have been able to reacquaint myself with Governmental and Non-for Profit Accounting as well as some other areas I have not seen in a very long time.

I am now hoping that the workload at work will decrease enough to where I can put some more effort on studying. I have a plan now. When I feel like I have my window, I am going to take the following steps:

1.) Get my NTS.
2.) Join the FAR test forum to hold myself accountable and get moral support.
3.) Set up a 6-7 week game plan to study and review all materials.
4.) Begin a routine that will force me to study.
5.) Listen to NINJA Audio, do a ton of MCQs and Read NINJA Notes.
6.) Pass this exam!

I will let you all know when I schedule my exam and when my clock starts ticking. Wish me luck!

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Rahul 11 years ago

Joe.. with you all the best buddy..

nikky2blue 11 years ago

Good luck Joe, you can do it. Hiya

SCC 10 years ago

Good Luck and stay positive