Jessica is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Howdy, NINJAs!
Ok … so, I slid REG in at the end of the testing window. It kind of snuck up on me. My original plan was to sit on July 18th. That way, I could have the test behind me while I went on the family vacation.
Well, I soon realized that my motivation to study for REG wasn’t quite where it needed to be. I have to admit, I really thought after passing my first exam, I would come out with all this motivation and momentum and start knocking exams out … but … that didn’t happen.
It didn’t help at all that, midway through my studying, I realized the tax rules and thresholds being tested were going to change. Some advice for those planning your timing … don’t take REG in the third quarter. Apparently, that test gets updated in June/July.
Although I had been studying, it was a pretty slow grueling process. With two weeks left in the testing window, I had a decision to make: (1) buckle down and focus for the next two weeks and try to get in what I could or (2) convince myself that I can be disciplined enough to make the best of the next 6 weeks and sit for REG at the beginning of October.
Instead of lying to myself, I scheduled it for the end of August. I spent the last two weeks going NINJA MCQ crazy. I also dedicated a couple of days to SIMS. Honestly, practicing SIMS feel so crucial for REG. They’re nothing at all like the MCQ’s.
As for exam day, I really have no idea how to feel. The questions that I’m worried about seemed to fall into three categories: (1) things I know I should have known, but drew blanks on test day, (2) concepts that I was completely familiar, but the way the questions were set-up made the concepts seem useless and (3) things that I’m almost certain were not in my study material. On the bright side, there were not very many of the last category.
And those SIMS … I hated them. Another tip … don’t forget to use the Authoritative Literature! I’m pretty sure it helped me on more than one of my simulations. All that being said, it was not a completely horrible experience. I did not walk out of it feeling as abused or violated … just mentally drained and relieved to get it over with.
Now, I wait. I’m hoping the AICPA received my exam in time for me to make the next score release. With me testing on a holiday weekend, I’m preparing myself to have to wait. I’m hoping with all hope for that 75, so that I can sit for Audit in this next exam window.
I would love to go into 2015 with just one exam left. I’m trying to think happy thoughts while I wait. On the upside, I’ve really been enjoying my time off.
Happy studying, NINJAs!