Jessica is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi from Texas!
This is my first blog post. I’m nervous and excited about the opportunity to blog. Something about blogging makes me incredibly nervous, maybe because it’s a lot like public speaking. But, we’re all one big family of CPA crammers, right?
Despite the nerves, I look forward to sharing with you guys my journey as I re-start my fight with the CPA exam.
My first efforts were short-lived. I sat for REG in February 2012. I walked out of that testing center feeling completely defeated. I fought the CPA monster and lost. And to be perfectly honestly, I was completely uninterested in trying again.
I convinced myself that I really did not need to be a CPA when the reality is, I just did not feel like shutting down my life to give it what it took to pass. Kindergarten through college, undergraduate, then graduate school … I was tired of studying.
Fast forward two years, and here I am … at it again. This time I tried things a little differently. I sat for FAR in May and passed. Yay! Although it is the largest section, it is the section that I am most familiar with.
I really thought that once I passed my first section, I would be extra encouraged to keep going. I started off that way, until I got knee-deep into the REG material. It’s dreadful and creates absolutely no motivation to study.
So, I’m back at square one. This time, though, I actually have something to lose. I want to sit for REG at the end of August, so I need to really amp up the studying. I have made it through the Assessment portion of the NINJA MCQ, now I just need to hustle through the Adaptive Learning.
I periodically go through the detailed report of my progress so that I can see what my weak areas are. I love that report! It really helps me to figure out where to put my energy.
The biggest hurdle is finding the time and getting on a schedule. I work full-time, I’m married and usually have a relatively busy life. I let that be my excuse until I look at these people with a lot more going on than myself … important things, like CHILDREN. I figure, if they can find the time, then so can I.
Back to a regular schedule. It’s a must! Studying after work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons will be spent playing catch up to make sure I stay on schedule.
One step at a time. If I can do it for FAR, I can do it for REG. We can beat this thing, NINJAs!!!
I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!! I'm married with no children but it's hard to find the time when your hubby wants to spend time together!! Good luck on your quest.