Jen is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Crunch time is here! My audit exam is in two weeks.
Im about to start reviewing my notes like crazy, doing as many multiple choice questions as I can, and listening to NINJA Audio at all times. If you see my with my ear buds in, you can be sure that is whats coming out.
Im feeling pretty confident about the material I studied in April evidence, reports, and the professional standards. But I covered about one third of the material in late February/early March, and Im really shaky on that planning and internal control.
Hopefully my final push will make it all gel.
Due to the interventions of life (Work travel! School work! Illness! The Marathon bombings, which took place just blocks from where I live!), I have studied for this exam in fits and starts.
Some weeks I studied 30 hours, some I was lucky to squeeze in one hour. If I had it to do over again, Id make myself do at least a little bit of studying every single day. Even 30 minutes or an hour, to keep the material fresh in my mind.
And I would definitely compress my schedule a bit more. I gave myself almost three months, and thats just too long.
Oh well. Hindsight is 20/20, right? Time to dive back in!