Where Did the Time Go? REG in Eight Days!

26 Apr 2013


Jeanie is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

I have just eight days left to prepare for REG! Holy Hannah – how did THAT happen?

It was six months away, it was months away, it was weeks away and now. Here I am, working MCQ's like crazy, listening to Jeff each day on my way to and from work and rewriting those NINJA Notes.

Where did the time go? What happened to my well planned out study time? Life, that is what happened. Just like everyone else I have stuff that comes up that I did not expect right now.

Yesterday, I was grateful that I was attending an all day seminar two hours from home because, wait for it, I had four hours to listen to Jeff's voice. I have been working hard to sneak in little bits of studying here and there – five minutes even at a time while waiting – all these little moments are bound to add up in the end.

Time to push and push hard to the home stretch. I KNOW that I can do this – attitude is so important – I need to believe in myself and in the time that I have invested in this process.

I find myself missing easy questions, things that I know, because I am rushing through and not reading the questions carefully enough – a rookie mistake from someone who is not anything close to a rookie.

Because of my rural location, I have to go to the testing city after work on Friday and stay over in preparation for the Saturday morning test window. I test drove a new hotel a few weeks ago and decided that the place that caters to the high school groups would not be a good choice. I will go back to somewhere I have stayed before, where I know I can put in my ear plugs and get some good rest.

Now, I must get so much needed rest for a great day of test preparation and work!


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