My name is Jaquetta and I am a new NINJA CPA blogger.
I started studying for the CPA exam in early 2010 and passed REG (76) then AUD (88) and lost credit for both in 2011 when I couldnt conquer BEC or FAR.
Yep, I couldnt get it done, but I am so committed to knocking out this exam because I recently found that I am expecting my first child.
The hubby and I are super excited, but I am anxious about passing this test so I can move on with my life.
My work experience includes 3 years at a Big Four firm in Audit and Tax then 3 years in the Internal Audit department of a Fortune 500 company (thus the high AUD score).
So, in addition to expecting my first child I am the sole proprietor of a business that provides tax, accounting/bookkeeping, and payroll services. Getting the CPA designation will allow me to expand my services and ultimately get the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) designation.
It will also give me cred because at the end of the day people dont care about my experience or my MBA. They want to know if I am a CPA, and I will be.
I am on the fast path. I plan to take FAR at the beginning of July and BEC shortly thereafter. Then attack REG and AUD. I started studying for FAR on Monday (6/4) and it seems to be sticking.
Ill leave you with some motivation: The Secret to Success.
When you want to succeed as bad as you wanna breathe then you will be successful. Eric Thomas
Wow! That was a powerful video you shared. I'm in the middle of studying for FAR and stopped by the website to search for some motivation and you gave me just that. Cancelling my plans for a bbq tonight and I'm gettin' after it all day. Can't stop, won't stop!