Jana is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hi All.
After a brief and unexpected hiatus last week, Im back to my regular study schedule of the REG Wiley book/test bank and NINJA Notes.
I must admit that Ive been slacking on the NINJA Audio because all of the revitalized talk radio discussions that have accompanied the recent conventions. This comes at the heels of some good news.
Since I began the CPA exam application process in January, Ive felt like my greatest obstacle to becoming a CPA was not actually the exams themselves, but rather one of the superfluous requirements that comes along with it: the work experience requirement.
Jeff touched upon this dilemma in a recent CPA Reviewed Podcast and it reminded me that I will basically never become a CPA unless I meet South Carolinas requirement to work under the supervision of a CPA for a year.
Given that I was not an accounting major in college and have minimal experience in accounting, coupled with the fact that I live in a tourist town driven by the service industry and not much else, Ive had a difficult time finding substantial accounting work and an impossible time finding work with a CPA-supervisor.
But alas, perhaps the Accounting gods were proud of the way Ive attacked the material this week, because Ive landed a job interview. I am not sure if the controller is a CPA (nor am I sure that I will get the job, clearly), but it has been a great motivator to get my nunchucks out and fight through REG as fast and as hard as possible.
Hopefully my next blog involves even better news, but until then!