Hana is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Where did the time go?! It is now only two weeks out before I sit for REG and I feel nowhere near ready.
I gave myself a weekend off recently because I had so much going on, which was a terrible idea because now it has just been so easy to keep pushing things off.
The weekend that started it all was poorly planned on my part. I agreed to volunteer all day at an event, raced in a half-marathon, and went to my husband’s work picnic.
Luckily, I did have the NINJA Audio to keep me going during my half-marathon. I will admit with my poor study habits that some untraditional study methods have been most useful for me. Pretty sure people were giving me a crazy look as I was repeating the audio throughout the race.
The past week I was out of town for work at training. I had hoped that staying in a hotel room would keep me from the distractions I find at home. Unfortunately, I am too much of an adventurer to choose not to at least explore the city somewhat. You never know what you may find in a new place and found some delicious food and amazing views.
I have learned that I need to be more honest with myself and those around me in order to keep me on track. When I trained for my first marathon in a way it was a similar experience. If I didn’t tell someone I was going to go for a 15-mile run then I may only do 5.
So here I am telling you that this week and this weekend I will be doing some power studying!