Greg is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
It has been a long time since I posted a blog entry.
Here’s what’s been going on. I took REG in the beginning of July. I thought I did pretty well. It was potentially my final section of the CPA exam. So all I could do was wait for my score.
Needless to say July was a great month. No studying. Spent a lot of quality time with my wife. Then came August.
I went on vacation with my family starting on the first weekend of August. It was a great time. Then on that Monday the scores came out. I got a 73 on REG. UGH.
As a result my FAR credit expired. I went from having 3 sections out of the way to only having 2 out of the way.
Nevertheless I had a great rest of the vacation. And as soon as I got back from vacay I started studying for REG again.
Then the 2nd tax season started in mid-August. Always a good time – nope. One good thing is that I got to leave work a little earlier than some of my coworkers. So I got to see my wife for a little before I started studying for the night. I took REG again on October 1st and felt pretty good about it. This could be the one.
Well, tax season is over today. Now I start re-studying for FAR. I passed it the first time around with a 78. I am not too worried. But I will not take it lightly.
All things go well, and I will get a passing REG grade on November 1st, and then knock FAR out of the park a few weeks later. And I will be a CPA by December. Just in time for my baby boy to be born.
That’s right, I am happy to finally announce to the NINJA world that my wife is pregnant with our first child! And we are having a boy!
In other exciting news, my wife and I just closed on a new house (new to us, not new new). We’ve been here a week and we love it. All of our neighbors seem great, and it seems like it is going to be a great place to raise some kids.
Everything in my life is going pretty well. The only thing left to do is kick the CPA exam’s butt. I have a lot going on to motivate me. The CPA, it will be mine.
Awesome Greg - congrats to you and your wife!